Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Which movies has a character that got amnesia in some way other than a car accident?

So many movies that have a character with amnesia usually gets amnesia after some car accident. Is there any movies that has a character that got amnesia in other ways?

Which movies and how did they get the amnesia? Someone hit them hard in the head with some object, etc?Which movies has a character that got amnesia in some way other than a car accident?
"The Little Princess" (1939) and "A Little Princess" (1995) the father gets amnesia from combat wounds suffered in France in WW I.Which movies has a character that got amnesia in some way other than a car accident?
Korean movies/dramas are the first thing that I remember. Seriously, the issue of amnesia is always in the script. Some are ridiculous. Falling down can cause amnesia, falling down again cures it but then she/he bangs head in the kitchen, back to forgetting. Haha. I don't remember a lot of names, though.

Oldboy (Korean movie from 2003) is about Amnesia due to being abducted and being tortured for 15 years.

Anastasia, the animated movie from 1997 is about the girl falling and being unconscious and waking up not knowing who she was.

Harrison Ford's movie Regarding Henry is about someone getting shot and having amnesia.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is about a self-induced amnesia. It's a beautiful one.

2006's Unknown is about 5 men who woke up at a chemical warehouse and pretty much forgetting who they are, all due to a chemical spill.

1995's A little Princess(one of my fav movies!) has a character with amnesia due to a gas poisoning.

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